The Girl Power Academy Vision

Responsive image Innovation in sport is something that is required as generations evolve. Girl Power Rugby Academy is at the forefront of change within the South African rugby realm and the vision and mission of GPRA is to be involved in this evolution in a powerful and positive way.

Currently South African rugby lacks development at grassroots level, particularly with girls skills development. The key issue is a lack of opportunities and teams for primary and high school girls to join and there is very little institutional support to hold space for the growth of girls and their rugby dreams.

By hosting a girl-only rugby academy focusing on the foundational elements needed to grow successful girl performance, Girl Power Rugby Academy will be providing one of the first safe havens for girls aged 6 to 18 to learn and play the game of rugby, a space previously reserved for boys.

In the Southern Suburbs where the academy will be hosted, there are no teams that girls in the target age group of 6 years to 18 years of age can join to experience growth and expansion in the game of rugby.

GPRA is a much-needed support structure for girls wanting to be rugby players, learning from mentors and coaches led by experienced specialists. With more than 20 primary and high schools with a total of 3000-4000 potential players in a 30 km radius to the False Bay Rugby club, GPRA will be the academy of choice within the area and possibly from outer lying areas as well.